Silver Package
This training course cost: $5,000
Silver Package – Includes:
1. 20 (twenty) online 101 zoom classes
2. 3 (three) decks of tarot cards
3. Attend 1 free event to accept donations for your first reading experience after training in your local area. Inviting friends and family.
4. A certificate of completed training at soul psychics network.
5. You are now a reader on “The Soul Psychics Network” and are able to accept payments directly from your clients.
Gold Package
This training course cost: $10,000
Gold Package – Includes:
1. All listed in Silver Package
2. A vacation, (three) 3 day retreat to learn tarot in person. Locations of your choice include: Costa Rica, Hawaii, or Jamaica. Airline tickets for 2, All food included for 2, Hotel included for 2.
Platinum Package
This training course cost: $20,000
Platinum – Includes:
1. All listed in Silver & Gold Package
2. Vacation retreat for 7 days to learn tarot. The location is the choice of the group attending.