We are all a combination of the 12 zodiac signs. Each sign governs one house in our astrology chart. Your natal birth chart can be found by entering your birth date, time of birth and the city you were born in at: cafeastrology.com
If you would like a deeper understanding of who you are and what you came on this planet to do, request a quote to get a chart reading by sending us an email at: soulpsychicsnetwork@gmail.com
The Power of the zodiac signs
Aries- Ruler Mars Energy,
The Energy of Action and very fast action. You get things done at a very fast pace wherever Aries is located in your astrology chart.
Taurus- Ruler Venus Energy
The Energy of Love, Beauty and Business, wherever Taurus is located in your astrology chart, these are the energies that will prevail.
Gemini- Ruler Mercury Energy
The Energy of Thinking, Communications, Traveling and Technology, wherever Gemini is located in your chart, these are the energies that dominate.
Cancer-Ruler Moon Energy
The Energy of feelings, moodiness, wisdom, caring, nurturing and motherhood, wherever Cancer is located in our chart, these energies will govern.
Leo- Ruler Sun Energy
The Energy to be a Leader seeking Attention and to Shine, wherever Leo is located in our chart, we shine.
Virgo-Ruler Mercury Energy
The Energy of Thinking, Communications, Traveling and Technology. Gemini signs have the same energy as a Virgo but Gemini may have double the energy, A Virgo may offer to be more of the helper, willing to give service with the energy. We are the helper wherever Virgo is located in our chart.
Libra- Ruler Venus Energy
The Energy of Love, Beauty and Business
Taurus signs have the same energy as Libra, a Libra may seek more balance in many kinds of relationships, trying to please everyone it loves. Wherever Libra is located in your astrology chart, this is the area you give love and attention to.
Scorpio- Ruler Pluto Energy
The Energy of Power, Money, Death, Sex and Transformation, wherever Scorpio is located in your chart, The Power rules.
Sagittarius- Ruler Jupiter Energy
The Energy to Expand, Explore, to Grow, be Happy, Spiritual and Lucky, wherever Sagittarius is located in your chart, you are happiest and luckiest.
Capricorn-Ruler Saturn Energy
The Energy of Boundaries, Limitations, Rules, Structure, Banking, Building, Old age, The Teacher, Restrictions and Karma, wherever Capricorn is located in our chart, we are the most restricted.
Aquarius- Ruler Saturn and Uranus Energy
The Energy of Saturn is Boundaries, Limitations, Rules, Structure, Banking, Building, Old age, The Teacher, Restrictions and Karma. Aquarius has two rulers, one being the same ruler as Capricorn but Aquarius also has an additional ruler Uranus.
Uranus brings the Energy of change, unpredictable accidents that we don’t see coming. It introduces things we can’t control nor can we do anything about. We must learn to accept and adapt to the changes that come; wherever Aquarius is located in our chart this energy will prevail.
Pisces- Ruler Neptune Energy
The Energy of Dreams, Wishes, Imagination, Illusions, Confusion, and Delusions, also the energy to be in an altered state. Wherever Pisces is located in our chart, we have the choice to believe, and see whatever we want to see.